M3d+it 2024

Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, 

as many of us are aware the European medical 3d printing environment is very lively with multiple activities stemming and flourishing in every single country of our continent. While Europe is rich and diverse, we face similar challenges for the research, development and implementation of medical 3D printing, therefore coming together and joining forces becomes essential to progress. 

We are therefore very pleased to invite you and your team to the 7th M3d+it 2024 Conference in Vienna (Austria) on Nov. 29th-30th 2024. This event will take place at the Medical University of Vienna / Vienna General Hospital. 

Challenges not only of scientific nature will be addressed at this conference, as innovative 3d-printable materials, micro/nano 3d-printing, to name a few, but also implementation challenges related to regulations and reimbursement of costs of using 3d printing at the point of care. The conference will feature international sessions with representatives of 3d printing national networks from different European countries as well as with representatives of ongoing European research projects. This event will also feature the annual gathering of the recently formed “European Special Interest Group for 3D Technologies in Hospitals”, which is currently in the process of founding a European Scientific Society.  

Finally, the choice of this period of the year has been a tradition for our M3d+it Conference, as this is a very special time in Vienna with the Christmas markets atmosphere inviting for an additional stay over the weekend. 

The preliminary program and registration to the symposium are available at http://m3dit.org/. 

Please feel free to forward this information to anyone you think might be interested. 

Kindest Regards,
Francesco Moscato & Gernot Kronreif